Sunday, November 3, 2013

It has been a year since I posted to my blog..A lot has happened..I am working part time in a local quilt shop and teaching a few classes as well..busy keeping up with three awesome grandchildren: Kyleigh is 12 years old, a sixth grader and cheerleader at IDEA South Flores College Preparatory Academy, Cohen is 9 years old in December and is in the third grade at IDEA Carver Academy - your typical boy, always busy and full of questions with a heart of gold and the youngest is Abby Lu who will be 5 years old in December..she is an active little girl with a big imagination and really lights up the room when she enters..I am truly blessed with these grandkiddos and two wonderful daughters and their awesome husbands.

I have written a couple quilt patterns this last that was challenging.  At the quilt shop, One Quilt Place, I lead a group of about 30 women in a scrap club that meets once a month.  We have lots of fun sharing ideas and  "show and share" projects.

Our local guild holds a quilt show in the even we have one scheduled for the end of August in 2014.  About 20 or so guild members made our raffle quilt that has lots of feathered stars and applique.  It was entered in the Houston International Quilt Festival and we are so excited to announce that it won 1st place in the Group quilt division...who would have thought it!  We are a very proud group of quilters and whoever wins this raffle quilt will be a lucky person.

My goal is to work on my blog and get some tutorials posted for my friends and followers.  Wish me luck! I need to find some more hours in a day!

Love, TJ


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