Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring is in the air!

I have been busy! Commissioned to make a baby quilt for a couple in Washington. Completed it and delivered it last week..baby blue, beige and brown...really soft and sweet! Remember those UFOs I needed to complete...I have four quilts that need binding, yeah! So let's see that leaves 6 more to go..I am getting there.

Since my last post, I have retired, moved back to Fredericksburg and I can quilt again! I have joined the Kerrville and Fredericksburg quilt guilds and also a quilting bee with my mom's cousin, Betty Blackwell who lives in Kerrville. Betty's group is such an inspiration..these are a group of talented ladies and I look forward to learning from them.

On a sad note, my sister, Loretta left this earth last Sunday and joined the angels in heaven. She had been ill for many years and moved from Louisiana to Kerrville last fall to be near family. Living in Fredericksburg I was able to visit her more often. and I cherish the memories we were able to make. My prayers are with her daughters and their families. A memorial service will be held in April. Thanks to those of you for your phone calls and messages.

This week is spring break for Kyleigh and Cohen. Each one will spend some time with me and I look forward to some good times...

Will post pictures as soon as I can...

Love, TJ


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