Sunday, November 25, 2012


I've been away for so long...2012 was a wonderful year..I am so blessed!  I was able to go to the Houston Quilt Festival and met Eleanor Burns, Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson.  Even had a photo with them..that was the highlight of my quilting journey.  You see I made my first Trip Around the World in one day with Eleanor Burns method.  It was in a shop in Austin, Texas...Little did I know that I would meet such wonderful quilters along my journey.  

My youngest daughter is an awesome seamstress and quilter and my oldest daughter is very creative and crafty.  Both girls have inherited their Nana Beaver's talents.  She was such an inspiration to all. I cherish being able to sit, sew, craft and brainstorm on whatever projects we tackle.

I have two awesome son in laws who are very good to my daughters and their children.  Both are talented in different fields, which helps when I need assistance with whatever.  I am so proud of them.  We were talking that past week and realized that both of them came into our lives about 18 years ago..Deanna and Marc have been married 13 years and Tiffany and Shaun, 14 years. Lots of dating time..guess that might be the secret to their relationships..they know each other well.

Grandchildren update:  Kyleigh is becoming a beautiful young lady..oh my she is 11 years old and very tall, just like her daddy.  She is on the broadcasting team at school.  Cohen is  an active 7 year old who will turn 8 on December 23rd.  He is reading at 4th grade level and he is in the 2nd grade.  Very proud of both for doing so well in school.  The youngest, Abby will be 4 on December 29th and is a very witty and humorous little girl.  It amazes me that she is able to carry on such vivid conversations with us.  She never forgets anything, so be careful what you say!  I spend as much time with my grandchildren as I can and I am thankful that my daughters and son in laws allow me that privilege...I am truly blessed!

2013 brings new ideas and projects.  I will be doing a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt with my friends, Kathie and Nina..Better get started, Nina has her first mystery block under way and I have not bought my gray fabric yet...Look forward to this quilt with a variety of purples, aquas, limey greens, turquoises, black on white prints and winter flannel grey..Should be interesting!

My Be Joyful Bee group will be tackling a challenge quilt, making two donation quilts, working on our quilt show boutique and sharing lots of ideas and recipes with each other.  There are some very talented ladies in this group and I hope to learn from each of them.

Life is good.  God has given me an awesome family, friends and neighbors that I am truly thankful for..

Hope you had a wonderful 2012 and I wish you a joyful Holiday Season filled with love and memories.  

See ya in 2013!!!!

Hugs, TJ


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